building study committee findings
After months of investigating, meetings and research; Dr Carter presented to the Administrative Council the Building Study Committee's findings.
Below is the information shared for your review.
Below is the information shared for your review.

about the building study committee
On March 29th the Administrative Council of Jarvis Memorial United Methodist Church created a building study committee. The church building which is now 60 to over 100 years old has a long history of issues and the repair and maintenance of these has become very expensive and sometimes impossible because the equipment parts are no longer available. The building is very difficult to access and does not meet federal ADA requirements. There are many issues with plumbing, electricity and heating and air-conditioning.
Maintenance/repair/fixing these has been put off multiple times for multiple reasons. The trustees along with other leaders determined that we could no longer put this off.
A Building Study committee in the Methodist church is charged by the discipline to:
1) analyze the needs of the church and community
2) project the potential membership with average attendance
3) write up the churches program of ministry
4) develop an accessibility plan
The committee is charged by the Administrative Council to explore all identified possibilities to provide the best possible facility to serve Jarvis Memorial’s mission for the next 100 years.
The committee has now met several times. The first meeting was largely to determine the method that we would use to go about dealing with the challenge. At the second meeting, assignments were made to begin contacting all potential necessary consultants to get the information needed to carry out our task. The committee has begun getting estimates of the cost of refurbishing and repairing the sanctuary and its HAVC; as well as the demolition of the education building and its replacement. We are also exploring the potential opportunities to relocate downtown.
At this point the only decisions that have been made are to remain downtown and to do our very best to let the Holy Spirit direct the work of the group. We covet your prayers and your input. I am anxious that the congregation be aware of all facts related to the matter and to be dispelled of any unfounded rumors and speculation.
- Dr. James Carter
Maintenance/repair/fixing these has been put off multiple times for multiple reasons. The trustees along with other leaders determined that we could no longer put this off.
A Building Study committee in the Methodist church is charged by the discipline to:
1) analyze the needs of the church and community
2) project the potential membership with average attendance
3) write up the churches program of ministry
4) develop an accessibility plan
The committee is charged by the Administrative Council to explore all identified possibilities to provide the best possible facility to serve Jarvis Memorial’s mission for the next 100 years.
The committee has now met several times. The first meeting was largely to determine the method that we would use to go about dealing with the challenge. At the second meeting, assignments were made to begin contacting all potential necessary consultants to get the information needed to carry out our task. The committee has begun getting estimates of the cost of refurbishing and repairing the sanctuary and its HAVC; as well as the demolition of the education building and its replacement. We are also exploring the potential opportunities to relocate downtown.
At this point the only decisions that have been made are to remain downtown and to do our very best to let the Holy Spirit direct the work of the group. We covet your prayers and your input. I am anxious that the congregation be aware of all facts related to the matter and to be dispelled of any unfounded rumors and speculation.
- Dr. James Carter
Building study team
- Dr. James (Jim) Carter - a retired surgeon and healthcare executive. His wife Pat and Jim, have been members of Jarvis Memorial for 49 years. They have 3 children all of whom grew up in the church. Dr. Carter was the chair of the building committee when the TCLC was built and also chaired the Vidant Board building committee. Dr. Carter is fully convinced that the Holy Spirit is working in this church and if we pray and listen the Spirit will indeed lead us to do God’s will.
- Ross Woodall - is the Vice President at C.A. Lewis Inc., commercial design, build construction company that has built or renovated many churches east of Durham to the coast. Ross manages the commercial construction division and has been with C.A. Lewis for 28 years. Ross is married to Shannon and have a daughter, Hannah 22 and son, Parker 19. Their family has been Jarvis members for 27 years.
- Lee Potter - Lee and Anissa began attending Jarvis in 1993 and were married in the church in 1994. Their sons Grayson and Jack attended Mother’s Morning Out, Jarvis Preschool, Sunday School and were active in Jarvis Youth. Lee is a licensed general contractor and is employed by a construction company that focuses on the industrial and military construction markets.
- Alyson Faulconer - Alyson has been a member of Jarvis UMC since 1990 and met her husband, Michie, in a single’s group at Jarvis. They have been married for 29 years in November and have 3 daughters – Melissa, Madison and Cameron. She is currently a commercial lender with Southern Bank and Trust and have been in commercial banking for 33 years.
- Robert Griffin - Robert and his wife Stephanie have been members of Jarvis Memorial for years, Robert since 2005 and Stephanie since 1998. Robert has been active in various roles at Jarvis and has served on the Board of Trustees. Robert is a career architect since 1978 and a few years ago he retired his active practice as Chairman and CEO of Odell Associates Inc., an large international Architectural and Engineering Design Firm founded in NC in 1940.
Dr. Jim Carter, chair of the building study committee, answers some of the most commonly asked questions in regards to the tasks of the Jarvis Building Study Committee. These include:
- At this point, has anything been decided regarding how to best address the serious building and renovation needs at Jarvis?
- Could you share what specific options have been explored thus far as you continue to gather up-to-date cost figures and analysis?
- What is your timeline for having options and details to share with our church council and eventually with the congregation?
- How often does the committee meet and where can the congregation go for updates?
- At this point, how can the congregation help most?