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11 am Worship Service, 19th Sunday after Pentecost, September 29, 2024
11 am Worship Service, September 29, 2024, 19th Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture Reading: Psalm 42:1-5, Daniel 6:1-5
Sermon: “Oh No, What We Gonna Do” - Pastor Kuda Kwashe
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Jarvis Memorial UMC 510 S. Washington Street Greenville, NC 27858
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Prelude: Communion Meditation on Three Tunes: Grace Church, The Ash Grove & Cleansing Fountain - arr. Mark Albrecht, Michael Stephenson, soprano saxophone
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Chiming of the Hour
Introit:O Come Let Us Worship - Richard Shephard
Opening Hymn: Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above - UMH 96
Anthem: I’ll Give You Peace - Dawn and Tom Yarbrough, Michael Stephenson, soprano saxophone
"Oh No! What We Gonna Do?" Nawrocki/Vischer
from VeggieTales short film Where's God When I'm S-Scared
Hymn: If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee - UMH 142
Choral Prayer: The Grace - Richard Shephard
Offering & Doxology - UMH 94
Hymn: Trust and Obey - UMH 467
Choral Benediction: Rule of Life - 3117 UM Worship & Song
Chiming of the Trinity
Postlude: Rule of Life - 3117 UM Worship & Song
Rev. W. Donald Warren, Rev. Becky Bradley and Rev. Kuda Kwashe Kagura
Cheryl Stephenson, Director of Music Ministries & Bill Wood, Organist
Note: All music is used with church owned music and hymnals and under Jarvis CCLI License # 1408863.