I will sing of your love and justice;
To You lord, i will sing praise.

psalm 101:1

Want to share your love of Christ through music, fellowship and fun?
Jarvis Memorial United Methodist Church welcomes you in our Music Ministries.
All are welcome with no audition! Come join us or contact us to let us know of your interest.
You are welcome to participate anytime throughout the year!  

Contact Cheryl Stephenson, Director of Music Ministries for more information.
We pray that we use music to generate excitement, beauty and inspiration in our worship and service to God.

Bill Wood, organist and accompanist with Jarvis Memorial UMC since 2023.
Prior to Jarvis, Bill served as organist and music director with churches in Rocky Mount, Goldsboro and Greenville. He earned music degrees from Elon University and East Carolina University and was recently elected president of the Eastern NC Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
Please contact Bill as you are planning music
for your wedding or other special event with Jarvis.

music opportunities

chancel choir
Wednesdays • 7-8:30pm

Our Chancel Choir has a rich history of excellent music.  The Chancel Choir of the 11am traditional worship service is open to all adults who share a love of singing. No audition is required, in fact no formal music training is required! Contrary to popular opinion, not everyone in this choir is a music reader. We are having fun while serving our church. In addition to singing anthems and supporting congregational singing, the choir prepares special presentations during the year. You may elect to participate all year round, or for any season of your choice. We recognize this need and strive to provide a place for you to serve your church as you are able.

praise band
Tuesday Evenings

Jarvis' Praise Band leads the 9am Worship Service with contemporary worship music in the Taft Christian Life Center (TCLC). Singers, instrumentalists, creative artists and more are welcome. Whether you are able to commit every week or for shorter time periods, you are welcome in our program. The Praise Band practices on Tuesday evenings in the TCLC and is led by Mary Gardner.
Please let Mary or Cheryl know of your interest to serve with music and worship.

Children & Youth Worship Arts

Youth & Children's Music programs
 Sundays: Youth Music and Drama at 5pm, Sundays

Children: 4:00pm, PRAYground during JAMMS

Participation in  music, drama, and art while growing in faith, serving others together, and practicing being leaders is integral to christian formation for children and youth.  From preschool to high school, participants learn in a fun and active environment and lead through music and drama in our worship services and other events. 

jarvis jammers
Tuesdays • 5:30pm 

Come sing or play with the Jarvis Jammers, Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm. The Jammers meet in the TCLC.
We enjoy country, folk, gospel music, hymns and more. Guitars, ukuleles, mandolins, hand percussion, vocals and more are all part of the Jarvis Jammers. Join in the fun! This is a come and go as your schedule needs group. It is ok to not attend each and every week! Everyone is welcome to participate, play, sing or just listen!
Jammers are led by Harvey Estes & Jonathan Soulen.

Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30pm

Jarvis Handbell Choir meets Wednesdays in Room 102 or the Sanctuary. Whether you are an experienced "Ding-a-ling" or a novice ringer, there is a place for you in Jarvis' music program. A beginner bell choir is taking interest!
With five octaves of handbells at Jarvis, handbell ensembles for beginners and experienced ringers of multiple ages. Please contact Cheryl Stephenson (cheryl@jarvis.church) and let us know of your interest - all ages and abilities are welcome.

orchestral & Choral Music

Jarvis has a history of excellent musicians, amateur and professionals, vocal and instrumental music in worship services. Ensembles are formed for different occasions and plays for worship services. If you enjoy singing or playing an instrument and would like to be included in our ensembles please contact Cheryl Stephenson, Director of Music Ministries.

Instruments at jarvis


The Robert Rives Taylor pipe organ was originally installed by the Tellers Pipe Organ Company of Erie, Pa., in 1958. The organ was restored and enlarged by Bob Lent of Shenandoah Organ Studio in Lyndhurst, Va., in 2006. The main organ, located at the front of the sanctuary, has 43 ranks, and the antiphonal organ, which also serves as the chapel organ, adjacent to the sanctuary, has six ranks. Stops added in 2006 six are the trumpet, clarion and vox humana in the Swell division. The most recent addition to the organ was the Festival Trumpet stop, added in 2013 and visible on each side of the choir loft arch.


Jarvis Memorial’s Music Ministry has three grand pianos in the church. The sanctuary has a 7’ Conservatory Concert Grand Yamaha, the choir room has a 5’ C2 Concert Grand Yamaha, and our chapel has a Howard Grand. There is a keyboard with our Praise Team.


Jarvis Memorial’s Music Ministry has 5 octaves of Malmark handbells and a full set of choir chimes.