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Jarvis Memorial UMC is a place where all are welcome and find fellowship and home with a church family while engaging in life-giving community. Worship Services are at 9am and 11am, Sunday School begins at 10am, there are classes for all ages! A nursery is available for infants and pre-school ages if you would like. Children are welcome in all worship services. In fact, we have tables & chairs available at the 9am service and rocking chairs in our Sanctuary!  We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory.    Join us for Sunday services and other programs! Let us know how we can help you.

Sunday worship Services

9 am and 11 am

Traditional  Worship
11:00 am

The 11am Worship Service, with music by the Chancel Choir and led with the pipe organ, is in the Sanctuary. For families and others, there are rocking chairs in the back of the Sanctuary if you would like to use them during service. This service includes music from the pew hymnals and traditional seasonal liturgical practices. The Sanctuary is open for prayer before the service. All are welcome at both services.
 There are two entrances with wood doors that face Evans Street and an additional side entrance area near the parking lot and playground area from Reade Circle.  You can park beside the building along Reade Circle and Greene Street or in front of the Sanctuary. We look forward to you joining us in Worship!

Non-traditional worship
9:00 am

The 9am Worship Service, with music by the Jarvis Praise Team, is In Taft Christian Life Center (TCLC), the building near Greene Street. This service is family friendly with row seating or chairs and tables for you to enjoy.  When you park in the larger circular parking lot, with the playground gates and side drive, the entrance to the TCLC is through the playground. Enter the TCLC building and take the first hall to the right for the 9am worship service. If you park in the Greenville City parking or the area near the Sanctuary or Office/Education building, please enter through the double glass doors, walk straight ahead through this building, past the library, down the steps and to the outside. The TCLC Building is behind this building with the church offices, library, preschool, Chapel and Sanctuary. We look forward to you joining us in Worship! 

Single Service Sundays

For some Holiday weekend Sundays, Jarvis Memorial UMC 
celebrates with a Single Worship Service at either 9am or 11am.
Single Service Sundays are alternated with the services and may include
a fellowship activity as well.

What To Expect

Our 9:00 am service, worship is led by our praise band with modern worship music, devotions and prayers. Our worship service in the Taft Christian Life Center and has a more casual feel or "come-as-you-are" environment.  The service lasts about an hour with a 10-15 minute sermon and time for personal interaction, scripture, prayer and singing. Children may get an activity bag to enjoy during the service, ask anyone in the back of the service if you do not see one at the entrance. Feel free to sip your coffee and enjoy the service as you sit at a table or in the chairs!

Our 11:00 am traditional service, worship is led by our choir and organist. Our liturgical worship service held in the Sanctuary is generally an hour in length with hymns, prayers, collects, anthems, and a sermon that generally lasts about 10-15 minutes. Dress is traditional "church" dress, though you can certainly come as you are. Children may get an activity bag to enjoy during the service, please ask an usher if you do not see them in the back of the Sanctuary. And feel free to enjoy the rocking chairs before, during or after service!

If you would like to attend a Sunday School class and are not sure what is available or where they are located, please complete the form below, or simply ask someone in the halls! We have classes for all ages. There is a nursery available during Worship Services and Sunday School for infants - preschoolers as well.

Whichever service you choose to attend, we are glad you chose to come to Jarvis Memorial UMC!  Jarvis Memorial UMC is proud to be a Lighthouse Church with the NC Conference of the United Methodist Churches. Please let us know of your interests and needs by talking with us and/or through our Connect Cards. These can be given to a minister or usher or you can place them in an offering place at either service.

Are you looking for a church home? If you are considering or would like to know more abut becoming a member of Jarvis Memorial UMC, please let us know!
Thank you for joining us in worship!

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