Jarvis Preschool

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

The Jarvis Preschool Program is a half-day program celebrating over 52 years as part of the Jarvis Memorial United Methodist Church’s education program.  The school seeks to develop and promote Christian attitudes and character in the children enrolled in the program through a caring and positive environment.  Children ages 6 weeks through Pre-K have opportunities to learn through their experiences as they share, take turns, and play together.  Christian emphasis permeates the entire program through Chapel, Bible Stories, songs, and other activities.
The school is staffed by professional teachers and assistant teachers.  The teacher-child ratio is kept low so that each child will have close personal guidance.
“Our mission is to partner with families to build a strong spiritual foundation in the lives of preschoolers. At Jarvis Preschool, we recognize that each child is a special and unique gift from God. Our teachers and leaders build foundations for spiritual growth by meeting children’s physical and emotional needs. Our goal is to lead children in Bible-learning experiences that are active, involving, and age-appropriate.  We bridge the gap between home and school providing a warm, loving environment in which social-emotional, physical and intellectual growth are enhanced.”

2025-2026 school year

2025-2026 Preschool Enrollment
We are excited to begin our 55th school year!   We are currently enrolling students for our 2024/2025 school year.  Completed enrollment forms along with an updated shot record must be turned into the Jarvis Preschool Office between the hours 9 and 1 Monday through Friday (Tuesdays from 8:30-11:30 during the summer).  Forms may be turned into the church office between 1 and 5 Monday through Thursday.    
We recently began utilizing the Brightwheel app at our preschool.  This app allows easy communication between staff and families as well as gives families the option to make payments using the app.  
The enrollment fee (nonrefundable) is paid when the enrollment form is submitted and the child is accepted into Jarvis Preschool.  The enrollment fee is not part of the nine month tuition schedule.
Tuition is paid from September (payment #1) through May (payment #9).
A one time supply fee of $105 or $125, depending on number of days attending, is due with tuition in September.
Please call the preschool office with any questions, 252-752-3101 or email Christie Bagley, Preschool Director at jarvisumcpreschool@gmail.com.

Class Options
Babies/Tadpoles (6 weeks -2)
*Children are divided into 2 classrooms based on their mobility
Class is open Monday through Friday
2 days $170.00
3 days $215.00
4 days $275.00
5 days $325.00

Two Year Old
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday $200.00
Monday - Friday $310.00

Three Year Old
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday $195.00  
Monday – Friday $290.00

4 days: Monday - Thursday $225.00
5 days Monday – Friday $245.00

**All prices are per month
**Eligibility for classes is determined by the NC Public Schools cutoff date, Aug 31. (eg. 2 by Aug 31 for 2 year old class)
**Classes may be adjusted based on demand.

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