United Women In Faith 

Jarvis United Women in Faith, formerly called United Methodist Women (UMW), is the organized unit of United Methodist Women and shall be a community of women whose purpose is: to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. Jarvis United Women in Faith is part of the Sound District; there are several meetings and mission studies provided throughout the year. The UWF are currently in the process of restructuring. Once a new board is elected a representative will be listed as a contact for additional information inquiries.

UMW making a difference in our community!


IN HIS STEPS is a 5K and 1 Mile Walk & Run fundraiser organized by the Jarvis Memorial United Methodist Women.  
This year our non-profits we are supporting are L.A.M.B.’s Place, Mediation Center of Eastern Carolina and Daughters of Worth.