Mission at jarvis memorial umc

During the school year, 400 bags are packed monthly for the children at LakeForest Elementary school who face food insecurity. Donations are always needed. Items can be purchased on Amazon and shipped directly to the church. Sam's Club has great prices for items in bulk. Donation bins are located in the TCLC and Hall of History.

Our Congregational Care team cares for the needs of our congregation in various ways through phone calls, cards, providing meals, and planning church social events. Whether a church member has just experienced loss or is celebrating an accomplishment, our team is ready to provide support.

Jarvis partners with the Community Crossroads Shelter in Greenville to provide meals for those in need. We prepare a PB&J Lunch meal and Dinner meal each month for the Shelter.

Jarvis is partnering with several other churches to provide a breakfast at 1209 Chestnut Street in West Greenville. At this home Christians gather every Saturday morning to cook breakfast for, and serve, those who need to be fed physically, but who also need to be fed spiritually.

UMVIM has offered a framework through which disciples can engage in short-term mission locally, nationally, and globally. Our volunteers are lay and clergy, young and old, with differing abilities and vocations, from all walks of life.

"C4C" or Congregations for Children is a statewide initiative across United Methodist Churches focused on helping children in public schools who live in poverty. At Jarvis, we provide for Lakeforest and South Greenville Elementary Schools through Angel Tree, Backpack Pals, School Supply Drives, and Valentine's Tree Book Collection.

Our Manna Bag ministry helps meet the immediate food needs of the Greenville community. We prepare bags that have non-perishable food items and a water bottle for those in need.

NC United Methodists have partnered with Project Agape since 1993 to provide "Joy Boxes" for Armenian children at Christmastime who live in poverty. This year, Jarvis packed 89 boxes for shipment to Armenia for Christmastime.

This team blesses people who need transportation to worship on Sundays. Jarvis has a 15 passenger van that requires no special or additional licensure to drive. You must be a member of Jarvis Memorial UMC in order to volunteer for this ministry.

Once a month Jarvis hosts a meal for the shelter. This months meal will be hosted on January 24, 2025. Next Month's meal will on February 28, 2025