11am Worship April 23, 2023
Rev. W. Donald Warren, Rev. Rhonda Grant Jordan and Rev. Kuda Kwashe Kagura
Cheryl Stephenson, Director of Music Ministries & Bill Wood, Organist
Prelude: Give to Our God Immortal Praise by Wilbur Held
Introit: Easter People, Raise Your Voices - Stanza 1 from UMHymnal #304
Processional Hymn: Christ Is Alive - UMHymnal #318
Scripture: Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 and Acts 2:14a, 36-41
Anthem: Assurance setting by John Ness Beck
Hymn: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms - UMHymnal #133
Choral Prayer:Take, O Take Me As I Am by John L. Bell - UMWorship and Song #3119
Recessional Hymn: We Walk by Faith - TFWS #2196
Choral Benediction: Alleluia, Amen - UMHymnal #901
Postlude: O That I Had a Thousand Voices - David Cherwien
Note: All music is used with church owned music and hymnals/books.
Jarvis Memorial UMC CCLI License # 1408863.