11am Worship, September 8, 2024, 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Sep 8, 2024    Rev. W. Donald Warren

11 am Worship Service, September 8, 2024, 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Scripture Reading: Mark 1:9-11, Psalm 125

Sermon:  “It’s That Time Again”    Pastor W. Donald Warren

(A series on wisdom during an election season)

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Prelude: If Thou but Trust in God to Guide Thee      H. Walcha      (UM Hymnal No. 142)

Chiming of the Hour

Introit:O Come Let Us Worship - Richard Shephard

Opening Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - UMH 139

Anthem: Jesus, My Lord, My Life, My All -  Bob Burroughs

Hymn: Trust and Obey - UMH 467 

Holy Baptism

Choral Prayer:  The Grace -  Richard Shephard

Offering & Doxology - UMH 94

Hymn: Sent Forth By God’s Blessing -  UMH 664

Choral Benediction:  Song of Hope -  TFWS 2186

Chiming of the Trinity

Postlude: Toccata in Seven  - John Rutter

The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in memory of John Jolley and in honor of Mary Jolley.

Rev. W. Donald Warren, Rev. Becky Bradley and Rev. Kuda Kwashe Kagura

Cheryl Stephenson, Director of Music Ministries & Bill Wood, Organist

Note: All music is used with church owned music and hymnals and under Jarvis CCLI License # 1408863.