11am Worship, March 10, 2024, Fourth Sunday in Lent

Mar 10, 2024    Rev. W. Donald Warren

11 am Worship Service, 4th Sunday in Lent, March 10, 2024

Scripture Reading: Psalm 107:1-9, John 3:14-21

Sermon: “A Sure Thing” - Rev. Donald Warren

Prelude: All Glory Be to God on High (Fugue) - J.S. Bach

Introit: From All That Dwell Below the Skies - UMH 101 (2)

Processional Hymn:  Lift High the Cross - UMH 159

Anthem: Let All Who Pray - Thomas Troeger/arr. John Ferguson 

Hymn: Of the Father’s Love Begotten - UMH 184

Choral Prayer:  We are singing, for the Lord is our Light - TFWS 2235

Doxology   Old 100th/J.S. Bach

Hymn: Breathe on Me, Breath of God - UMH 420

Choral Benediction: Take Time to Be Holy - UMH 395 (4)

Postlude: Lift High the Cross      Nicholson/arr. Leavitt

Rev. W. Donald Warren, Rev. Rhonda Grant Jordan and Rev. Kuda Kwashe Kagura

Cheryl Stephenson, Director of Music Ministries & Bill Wood, Organist

Note: All music is used with church owned music and hymnals and under Jarvis CCLI License # 1408863.