11am Worship, 4th Sunday of Advent, Lessons and Carols, December 22, 2024

Dec 22, 2024    Rev. W. Donald Warren, Rev. Becky Bradley

11am Worship, 4th Sunday of Advent, A Service of Lessons and Carols, December 22, 2024

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Jarvis Memorial UMC 510 S. Washington Street Greenville, NC 27858

or you may give online: https://jarvis.church/give

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2024 Lessons & Carols 

Prelude            Watchman, Tell Us of the Night  - arr. Raymond H. Haan.    Handbells and organ   

Introit               Advent Watch -  Linda Ridener Dickinson

*Processional Hymn – Once in Royal David’s City, David Rabin, solo stanza 1, all sing 2-4

Advent Wreath and sung response UMH 234 Refrain (O Come, let us adore Him)

Handbell Anthem       Cold December Flies Away (Catalonian Carol) arr. Hart Morris UMH 233 

Psalter             Psalm 146 with responsive singing    -     UMH 858

1st lesson         God tells sinful Adam that he has lost the life of Paradise

& his seed will bruise the serpent’s head.

The Yearning  -    Craig Courtney

2nd lesson        God promises to faithful Abraham that in his seed

shall all the nations of the earth be blessed

                        Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming - Praetorius/arr. Nance, Jason Kossol, solo

3rd lesson         The prophet foretells the coming of the Savior.  

The Messiah: An Oratorio -  Georg Frederick Handel - Edward Jones, tenor 

                        2. Recitative    Comfort Ye My People (Strings)

                        3. Air               Every Valley  (Strings)

             4. Chorus        And the Glory of the Lord  (Strings)

4th lesson         The peace that Christ will bring is foreshown.

The Messiah: An Oratorio - Georg Frederick Handel  - Caroline Parker, alto

                        8. Recitative                Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive  (Strings)

                        9. Air and Chorus       O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (Strings)

*Hymn     Savior of the Nations, Come   (stanzas 1, 2 only)       -         UMH 214

5th lesson         The angel Gabriel salutes the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Messiah: An Oratorio - Georg Frederick Handel  RaSheeda Waddell, soprano

                        14a Recitative There were Shepherds Abiding in the Field  (Strings)

                        14b Recitative And Lo! The Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them (Strings)

                        15.  Recitative And the Angel Said Unto Them (Strings)

Handbell Anthem   Infant Holy, Infant Lowly – Polish Carol arr. Noel Piercy- handbells

6th lesson         St Luke tells of the birth of Jesus.

                        O Holy Night – Soprano Solo – Allyson Baxter  (Cheryl Stephenson, flute) 

7th lesson         The shepherds go to the manger.

                         Brightest and Best  -   Southern Harmony/arr. Shawn Kirchner (vln & bass)

8th lesson         The wise men are led by the star to Jesus

The Messiah: An Oratorio - Georg Frederick Handel

16. Recitative  And Suddenly There Was With the Angel (Strings)

17. Chorus: Glory to God (Strings)

*Hymn       On This Day    (+ Handbells)   -  UMH 248

9th lesson         St John unfolds the mystery of the Incarnation

Sing We Noel  -     Pavel G. Chesnokov, Op 25, No. 6

Prayers & Lord’s Prayer


* Doxology - UMH 221 (4)

             What can I give him, poor as Iam?

            If I were a shepherd, I would give a lamb;

            If I were a wise man, I would do my part;

            yet what I can, I give him: give my heart.

*Recessional Hymn    Good Christian Friends, Rejoice (In Dulci Juilo)                  UMH 224

* Blessing

* Choral Benediction

      Christmas Benediction   Mark Scheizer/Kingsfold

* Chiming of the Trinity

* Postlude    

Music for your Christmas enjoyment continues with a 2:30pm afternoon concert in our Sanctuary (Sunday, December 22) with the New Century Saxophone Quartet. This quartet has been making music for over 30 years and includes our own Jarvis member, Michael Stephenson. New Century Saxophone Quartet has been privileged to perform throughout the large concert halls in the US and across the world. This performance at Jarvis is free admission, please come and enjoy the music of Christmas!

The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was first held on Christmas Eve 1918. It was planned by Eric Milner-White, who at the age of thirty-four had just been appointed Dean of King’s College, Cambridge, England, after his experience as an army chaplain convinced him that the Church of England needed more imaginative worship. It is an adaptation of a similar service written in1880 by E. W. Benson, then Anglican Bishop of Truro, England. The lesson summaries are taken from the Order of Worship for the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, Kings College, Cambridge, 2005


Poinsettias are displayed in the Sanctuary and TCLC and are in memory and honor of our loved ones. Thank you for all who contributed for them.

Advent & Christmas Services

December 24: 4pm TCLC Service and 8pm Sanctuary Service, both services with communion and candlelight

December 29: Single Service, 9am, TCLC

January 5: Epiphany - 9am TCLC Worship Service and 11am Sanctuary Worship Service

Rev. W. Donald Warren, Rev. Becky Bradley and Rev. Kuda Kwashe Kagura

Cheryl Stephenson, Director of Music Ministries & Bill Wood, Organist

String ensemble: Elizabeth Ivy, violin; Jacob Roege, violin; Laura Eis, viola; Allison Connelly, cello

Note: All music is used with church owned music and hymnals and under Jarvis CCLI License # 1408863.